The Peak

The Peak

Extra Long Shot (Source: Wang Qin)Long Shot (Source: Wang Qin)Medium Shot (Source: Wang Qin)Close-up (Source: Wang Qin)The End Shot (Source: Wang Qin) Tags: Gallery, The...
2021 Henan Floods

2021 Henan Floods

Henan province in central China was stricken by severe flooding, receiving an entire year’s worth of rainfall in three days in July. 302 people died and 50 more went missing in the surging floodwater. From 5 pm on July 20th, hundreds of passengers found themselves...


Wang Qin is now studying journalism at HKU. She was born in a small county in Hubei Province, China’s mainland. Journalism has attracted her since her high school years as the true stories in news magazines gave her inner strength through difficulties in life. During...